Nicholson: So about the “Osprey in the water,” as he came in trying to get closer to the shore… is it a 'crash'? Is it a ‘hard-landing'? Is it a 'controlled' … I think we're missing on words. The important point is that the pilot was trying to get to the shore. He saw the shore, he tried to get to the shore, and he 'brought the plane down' on shallow water, which was not very deep water, as close to the shore as possible, without going over the buildings. So I would say it was a 'controlled' landing,"but surely, there was absolute damage to the aircraft as he landed the airplane."
Nicholson: So I know the airplane today in the water was pounded everywhere by the waves. So… any more about that?
Maj.Gen. Sanborn: Yes, Sir.The wave action alone was causing the aircraft to break apart.Hence, that's why we put security around it while we wanted to quickly have salvage & rescue going on.
Nicholson: So the [damage of the] airplane today is based on the waves. It certainly had it breaking apart into little bits. It was a hard-landing. It was not a good landing for the airplane.But it was enough that all five people can survive. And I think that's important.
次の映像はエラーはないものの、タイトルが「プロップローターのブレードが危険なまでにホースに近い MV-22の空中給油はエラーの余地がない(Proprotor Blades Dangerously Close To Hose - MV-22 Air Refueling Leaves No Room For Error)」であり、もともと、危険は認識されてたものだと分かります。 投稿者は軍事専門チャンネル「AiirSource」です。